The fabulous life

Fac curat

Posted in Mellon Collie has the blues by daianara on September 8, 2009

Si sterg inclusiv drafturile care mi se strang fara sa vreau. Din 16 mai am 4. One is stupid and will be lost on the way. One is just a list of things. Here are the other two.

Entry for 11/05/2009

Azi a fost asa si asa cu averse ocazionale din asta.

Entry for 30/05/2009

Constat ca sunt lucruri pe care nu le pot discuta cu nimeni. Pe care nu le pot scrie nici aici. Pentru ca sunt chestii la care revin metodic, mecanic, obsesiv, cu dedicarea unui masochist, delicatetea unui sadic si indarjirea unui obsessive-compulsive. Si ma indoiesc ca cineva ar avea rabdare sa ma asculte vorbind despre acelasi subiect mai mult de 5 ori. And because, when hearing this, my one true friend would say he told me so and he’d be right…he did. And I don’t like it when other people are right.
Now open wide and swallow. Pride, ego, feelings, everything…

5 Responses

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  1. xelomon said, on September 8, 2009 at 4:49 pm

    Hoaaaa… I so feel you. 25 drafts which will never see light. Some of them are obsessions I’ve talked about while on 360, and they followed me here. Perhaps if I could truly open myself up and let them go public, I’d be cured. Perhaps. But I can’t go public on myself… yet :D which is why I’m working on the blog.

    I see you as pretty straight forward, in life, with people and emotions, you are fine and always will be, with or without.

  2. daianara said, on September 8, 2009 at 6:06 pm

    I think we are all mad as cows and we go to school just to learn how to control that madness. And when it doesn’t help drugs&doctors come out to play. :lol:
    And most people see me as a bitch. And I can be but most of the times it’s just being too damn honest and not getting excited about petty things. That just terrifies people.

  3. xelomon said, on September 9, 2009 at 11:14 am

    People’s definitions are so streeetchy, that bitch can mean ANYTHING.
    Even honesty can be bitchy, or not being too enthusiastic or smiley.
    I went 2 days ago to a lady for the eyebrows. She did a very good job, I was glad and thanked her, yet she thought I didn’t like the result, because I didn’t burst into “This is Great!”. Well….. I think OUR petty things always excite us more than other people’s petty things, so let’s live and write on blogs :)

  4. daianara said, on September 9, 2009 at 11:34 am

    Yeah, that’s true I guess.
    I’m doing a little social thing starting with today which is saying “Hi” to people I don’t know. It’s so fucking scary like jumping from a plane. And I don’t know why. I managed to do it once so far which is…ha, much more than I did this past year. He did’t stop or anything but we both said “Hi” to eachother. My goal for the day is 3 people. If I do it I’m gonna have the same feeling like finishing a marathon. :lol:

  5. bloggerulcici said, on September 14, 2009 at 10:11 am

    Asa ziceam si eu despre ultimul meu post. Dar uite ca mi-a scapat pana la urma. Go ahead and laugh now!

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