The fabulous life

Random thought #35

Posted in Random thoughts by daianara on September 23, 2009

I’d actually try Twitter (yeah, start throwing rocks) if it wouldn’t be close to impossible to find a valid username. 

The Herbaliser, Aereogramme & The Crow OST

Posted in Café de la Musique by daianara on September 23, 2009

Let’s do one of the post with 0 comments and tons of visits each day. It’s been a while. So, ascultat in ultima vreme:

The Herbaliser cu 2 albume:

Blow your headphones (selectat Intermission) plus Something wicked this way comes (de ascultat Unsungsong). Sunt prezentati ca o formatie care combina jazz cu hip-hop. Truth is, 90% din muzica e doar hip-hop. And a bad one at that. Cele doua piese anterioare sunt exceptiile.

herbaliser-blow your headphones Herbaliser-something wicked this way comes

Some Aereogramme.

Ce mi-a atras atentia a fost Barriers (de pe My heart has a wish that you would not go). Take a look at the lyrics (especially the “Let me build bridges into your life” part).  Apoi Glam Cripple.  Si out of respect and curiosity In the fishtank 14, impreuna cu Isis. Merge, dar again, nothing special.

my heart has a wish that you would  not go In the fishtank 14

But what really made my week(s) was The Crow OST.  One exceptional piece of work after the other. Hit play la: Stone Temple Pilots-Big Empty, Nine Inch Nails-Dead Souls si The Cure-Burn.  Enjoy!

Time to take her home.

Don’t google the one you love

Posted in Rants by daianara on September 22, 2009

Or if you do, nu-i spune asta in fata la prima intalnire. Cu mandrie. Si aer de complicitate. Nu, nu ma cunosti daca stii vag cum arat dintr-o poza de 30 x 30 pixeli. Sau daca afli ce facultate am terminat si unde am fost azi-vara. Dar sunt sanse destul de mari sa fie ultima data cand ma vezi.

Nu ma simt flatata daca ma suni de 4 ori dupa ce am iesit o data in oras. Doar ca sa vezi « ce fac ». Din contra, incep sa ma gandesc cum sa-ti blochez numarul (a big « fuck you Vodafone ! » la faza asta).

Nu o sa-ti raspund daca nu te am in agenda telefonului si primesc mesaje de genul « de ce nu mai esti pe net ? ». Fuck you, in primul rand. Nu sunt pentru ca probabil m-ai « impresionat » atat de tare incat am recurs la permanently off-line, delete from address book si report as spam in secunda doi. Ori pur si simplu sunt ocupata si n-am chef de cineva care stiu ca m-ar deranja.

Nu ma distreaza nici glumele pe care le faci de obicei cu prietenii de iesit la bere. Iesi in oras cu o fata, show some respect. Ca inteligenta se pare ca e prea mult sa cer. Iar daca vezi ca avem o conversatie care se misca cu viteza melcului turbat, sa nu te surprinda daca-i pun eu capat. I do have better things to do.

Where did all the normal people  go?

PS: Credit goes to O. for the title.

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Fac curat

Posted in Mellon Collie has the blues by daianara on September 8, 2009

Si sterg inclusiv drafturile care mi se strang fara sa vreau. Din 16 mai am 4. One is stupid and will be lost on the way. One is just a list of things. Here are the other two.

Entry for 11/05/2009

Azi a fost asa si asa cu averse ocazionale din asta.

Entry for 30/05/2009

Constat ca sunt lucruri pe care nu le pot discuta cu nimeni. Pe care nu le pot scrie nici aici. Pentru ca sunt chestii la care revin metodic, mecanic, obsesiv, cu dedicarea unui masochist, delicatetea unui sadic si indarjirea unui obsessive-compulsive. Si ma indoiesc ca cineva ar avea rabdare sa ma asculte vorbind despre acelasi subiect mai mult de 5 ori. And because, when hearing this, my one true friend would say he told me so and he’d be right…he did. And I don’t like it when other people are right.
Now open wide and swallow. Pride, ego, feelings, everything…

Random thought #34

Posted in Random thoughts by daianara on September 8, 2009

Ce senzatie ciudata sa-ti stergi toate mesajele de pe telefon. Atat primite cat si trimise. I wonder why…

Fallout 3

Posted in Gamez by daianara on September 6, 2009

After 6 years playing games and one year on the side lines (with “count them on the fingers of one hand” exceptions) I’ve had a relapse. And it was called Fallout 3. Now, to compare its plainness with a flat EKG would be quite gentle of me. But as it is in the human nature to adapt, I too began to grow quite fond of the repetitive plastering level design, same 8 faces and the constancy with which the raiders tried to put a bullet pattern on my spring pre-war dress.
Fallout 3 Spring dress
And so, I realized after a month of annoyed, sometimes furious but mostly frustrated play time that I shall miss its…umm, brownness.

Here’s the short story: shit hits the fan (or, to be more accurate, nukes hit the US) and all that’s left are radiation, roaches and a mirific wasteland you’ll enjoy in the next 30 hours or so.
Fallout 3 wasteland

Ok, so maybe that’s not all that survived. You, a few other people, a bunch of mutants and some ghouls (who are quite well mannered, open minded and umm…monogamous)
Fallout 3 Carol
also go about your daily mutations business. You start searching for your father (don’t ask) and, in the end, you’re tasked to deliver (holy) water to the wasteland (again, don’t ask). Yes, I realize while writting this how ridiculous it all sounds. But for a whole month this was close to my virtual home. So don’t blame me if the next cooked meal will be an iguana on a stick.

And now, for just a few illustrated random rants:

  • If there’s one thing we can learn from Bethesda, it’s the value of recycling. Observe:

Fallout 3 Harold

  • The one lady I gave a damn about in the whole iradiated Wasteland. Agatha and her Stradivarius rule supreme.

Fallout 3 Agatha

  • Not sure if this was yet again recycling or just copying the master but dear old Fawkes right here made me wanna shoot laser beams up his ass 2 minutes after I’ve gained his companionship.  Minsc anyone?

Fallout 3 Fawkes

  • The radiation from the nuke war was detected from outer space and aliens thought this would make a lovely home. Apparently they were wrong.

Fallout 3 Alien crash

And now, to get over the withdrawal symptoms finishing Fallout 3 has caused me to have I’m planning an in depth course of Mass Effect. Space, aliens, sex, guns. Perfection never seemed so close. Watching The 5th Element for the 10th time doesn’t count!

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If ever…

Posted in Rants by daianara on September 1, 2009

Daca o sa ajung vreodata mama vreau neaparat baiat.

-Taica-sau sa-l boteze cum vrea numai sa contribuie cu the genes.

-Sa-l pun sa citeasca si sa-si foloseasca neuronii.

-Sa-si eclipseze toti colegii de scoala.  Si sa para ca o face fara efort.

-Sa aiba ce fata vrea.

-Sa-i trimita pe altii la dracu’ si ei sa-i multumeasca pentru asta.

-Sa nu aiba in veci probleme cu diete, menstruatie, machiaj si “n-am cu ce sa ma imbrac” .

Si cand va creste, sa-si gaseasca pe cineva la fel de a dracu’ ca ma-sa.  :)