The fabulous life

Bang Bang Bang

Posted in Café de la Musique by daianara on November 20, 2010

I declare this to be my latest favourite song!

Je te plumerai la tète! :P

Chariots of Fire

Posted in Café de la Musique by daianara on May 2, 2010

Avem in Turda cele mai cool pizzerii (asta e pluralul?) din tara. Ia uite ce au in playlist. :lol:

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Despre a cui existenta am aflat in ianuarie

Posted in Café de la Musique by daianara on January 31, 2010

In luna ianuarie mi-am continuat love affair-ul cu Sputnikmusic. Elitistul din mine se bucura ca a iesit din normele Myspace/Last Fm/Grooveshark. The obsessive compulsive part a gasit o comunitate de oameni care fac liste. LISTE!! How can you not love that? Umm, on second though… *cough

Asadar, sa incepem cu desertul. 2 formatii complet diferite, 2 albume care mi-au placut in proportie de 50% (or more).

The Raveonettes sunt o trupa daneza de rock alternativ (according to the Internet) a carei (probabil cea mai mare) realizare a fost sa aiba 2 piese incluse pe soundtrack-ul Gossip Girl (don’t watch the show to know if that’s big or not). Albumul include piese ca Suicide, Break up girls, Last dance, Boys Who Rape (Should All Be Destroyed). In ciuda titlurilor alese surpriza! nu e un wrist cut album. E happy pop, in your face pink, make all your troubles go away. Din punctul meu de vedere e perfect pentru ianuarie. Oh, and if you’re a guy, and you can boogie to this, my (still) hypothetical hat comes off to ya.

Highlights: Last dance, Bang!, Suicide, Gone forever.

Cursive-americani. Indie-rock. Includ instrumente ca violoncel sau orga in muzica lor. Albumul pe care l-am ascultat se numeste fix “The ugly organ”. E ok pana pe la jumate (primele 6 piese) apoi devine previzibil deci boring. Insa in timpul in care inca te prinde…what a ride. Exemple de versuri: “my ego’s like my stomach, it keeps shitting what I feed it”. Sau: “Cut it out, your self-inflicted pain is getting too routine”. Sunt trupa la care cred ca o sa revin doar pentru a vedea ce-au mai fost in stare sa scrie. :)

Highlights: The recluse, Art is hard, Some red handed sleight of hand.

Bat for lashes-the cherry on top of my imaginary music dessert. Bat for lashes e ceva ce cautam fara sa stiu, iar acum ca am gasit-o inca nu stiu foarte bine ce e. Stiu doar ca ma simt al naibii de bine ca am dat peste muzica asta. Probabil cea mai cunoscuta piesa e Daniel, but screw that. Here at indie headquarters we like indie stuff. Recomand din suflet Glass si Moon and Moon. The most mood inducing music I’ve heard in the last year.


Adica restu’, alea alea care au mers sa fie ascultate de vreo 2-3 ori dar fara impact considerabil.

Gotan Project-Cand aud lumea mentionand formatia asta cu o reverenta aproape mistica nu stiu de ce, dar ma gandesc la name dropping. De parca ar fi parola secreta care, odata rostita, te face sa intri in clubul select al celor care se “pricep” la muzica. En fine, e doar tango combinat cu electro music. Merge Una musica brutal, dar am atat. Ah da, album era La revancha del tango.

Puscifer-V for Vagina. Puscifer e unul dintre proiectele lui Maynard James Keenan, de la Tool. Kinda like A perfect circle, just more offensive, dark and depressing. Wouldn’t give it the time of day, daca n-ar fi Rev 22 20, care mi-a placut. Neaparat in varianta Dry Martini Mix.

Neutral Milk Hotel-In the aeroplane over the sea. Alta trupa americana luata in considerare din 2 motive: 1st albumul asta e in top 3 la vinyl sales in State, it’s that good. 2nd, Holland 1945, una dintre piesele incluse pe album a inspirat-o pe Amanda de la Dresden Dolls sa scrie o piesa de teatru. Gasit online, too bored too watch. Albumul e ok-ish, insa singura piesa care a ajuns sa-mi placa e prima parte de la King of Carrot Flowers. Listen to the harmonica! And ignore the crappy video.

2 tipe prea deprimate pentru binele lor: Emilie Simon-The big machine (French chick with a high pitched voice) respectiv Paloma Faith-Do you want the truth or something beautiful? Mnoah, asta din urma mai stie ceva, voce asemanatoare cu Amy Whinehouse dar fara drug issues. Respect pentru Stone cold sober si piesa care da titlul albumului. Daca stai sa asculti versurile si intri in the mood, te-a terminat. Handle with care.


Low. Cica genul abordat e slowcore. I like it so much that it  almost sounds obscene. Am probat tot album Secret name de pe care iese in evidenta Immune dar neaparat de incercat alte 2 piese, aparent, cele mai bune pe care le-au scos: Point of disgust  si Dinosaur Act.

See you with more at the end of February. :)


Posted in Café de la Musique by daianara on November 22, 2009

Caut muzica din nou. Ceva care sa ma miste, un marching music care sa te motiveze sa incepi ziua. O discutie intre 2 parteneri. In versuri. Pe muzica. I can’t really imagine something more beautiful. Ma uit la indie music, in teorie nepoluati de spiritul comercial*, adun sute de piese si ascult. Si sunt dezamagita de cat de uniform suna. De la Cigarettes incoace, singura chestie interesanta si care ma binedispune e New Pornographers-Myriad Harbour. Si un cover destul de reusit al trupei Keane la Under pressure. Dar un cover e tot un cover.

Si asa ma intorc la ceea ce cunosc. Ever wondered what the soundtrack would be when you get run over by a train? Nici eu, dar apoi am auzit piesa urmatoare si am stiu ca asta e. Hit play.

*Nu vreau sa fiu ipocrita. Asa cum prietena Creatrix isi doreste sa mearga ca la Lady Gaga, si eu vreau sa vad un concert Pussycat Dolls (bine, mai mult din considerente estetice si de showmanship decat muzicale, dar tot as plati sa le vad pe fetele alea).

The Herbaliser, Aereogramme & The Crow OST

Posted in Café de la Musique by daianara on September 23, 2009

Let’s do one of the post with 0 comments and tons of visits each day. It’s been a while. So, ascultat in ultima vreme:

The Herbaliser cu 2 albume:

Blow your headphones (selectat Intermission) plus Something wicked this way comes (de ascultat Unsungsong). Sunt prezentati ca o formatie care combina jazz cu hip-hop. Truth is, 90% din muzica e doar hip-hop. And a bad one at that. Cele doua piese anterioare sunt exceptiile.

herbaliser-blow your headphones Herbaliser-something wicked this way comes

Some Aereogramme.

Ce mi-a atras atentia a fost Barriers (de pe My heart has a wish that you would not go). Take a look at the lyrics (especially the “Let me build bridges into your life” part).  Apoi Glam Cripple.  Si out of respect and curiosity In the fishtank 14, impreuna cu Isis. Merge, dar again, nothing special.

my heart has a wish that you would  not go In the fishtank 14

But what really made my week(s) was The Crow OST.  One exceptional piece of work after the other. Hit play la: Stone Temple Pilots-Big Empty, Nine Inch Nails-Dead Souls si The Cure-Burn.  Enjoy!

Time to take her home.

Morphine-In spite of me

Posted in Café de la Musique by daianara on August 27, 2009

Pentru o buna bucata de vreme, melodia mea de cut wrists a fost Hurt-Nine Inch Nails. Daca vedeam si videoclipul lui Johnny Cash, apocalipsa putea sa vina linistita. Nu o observam.

Asta pana am dat de “In spite of me“. 2.30” and what a trip.

Turn off the lights, puff a cigarette, get a glass of someting. Turn on the music and dive in.

A perfect circle

Posted in Café de la Musique by daianara on July 30, 2009

Dear Mr. Maynard,

 When I was first supplied with links for Tool songs, I watched about 2 minutes out of the 10 minutes videos and said that’s not for me. They were too weird, too loud, too far away from what I was used to. I just couldn’t get how Stinkfist was the perfect sex song.  Aeons later, I’m trying to make up for lost time and started out light with A perfect circle. I’m getting used to the songs, the little inflexions of your voice, the drums and the bass line. Not to mention the superb lyrics.

 I had a line-up of Mer de Noms, The 13th step and eMOTIVe. aMOTION was purposefully skipped for the moment as it’s just a remix album. So I’ve listened to the 3 others throughout the past week, without reading reviews before that could ruin the experience. And I’m glad I did that. I like 2 tracks of eMOTIVe but around the Internet it’s described as possessing  “the same musical integrity as urinating in a Pepsi bottle and throwing it at a basement wall.” Oh well, it is a cover album.

 So from the sea of awesomeness what really stood out for me were Blue, Passive, What’s going on and Magdalena. I like the first 2 songs so much I think they should be just one, with the intro from Blue and the lyrics from Passive.

Apart from that, “What’s going on” has one of the most beautiful growths/climaxes I’ve heard in a long while.  And Magdalena, well, just take a look at the lyrics:

 “I’ll sell my soul, my self esteem
a dollar at a time for one chance, one kiss
one taste of you my Magdalena.”

 I’m really starting to find that name fascinating.

So yesterday I also kicked off with Lateralus, prolly the loudest Tool album and guess what? I think it sounds great. So if you happen to be in a giving mood, they’re touring the US and Canada this year and I only need about 2000€ for a round trip. :D

 Until then I’ll leave you with “This song is called Fuck Britney Spears…in the ass”. *plays Passive

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Vibrating bouffons

Posted in Café de la Musique, Moving pictures, The book shelf by daianara on July 4, 2009

In ultimele 2 saptamani am bagat 3 carti una dupa alta, with less than satisfying results:

Mic dictionar pentru indragostiti-Xiaolu Guo Despite what it says in the presentation, nu-i amuzant, nici inteligent, nici macar dragut. M-a plictisit de moarte.

Filosofia Pentru Bufoni-Pedro Gonzalez Calero Merge, dar “Platon si ornitorincul” e net superioara.

How to talk to anyone-Leil Lowndes Mmm, ezit sa spun asta dar e o carte chiar ok, cu niste tips&tricks chiar decente despre networking&socializare. Normal, 60% e junk pe care nu o sa-l folosesti veci. Dar restul de 40% sunt niste trucuri, sfaturi, how to’s utile, as zice eu.

Cred ca mi-e dor sa citesc o carte de Pratchett. :)

In ultima luna am vazut fix 1 film (True Blood nu se pune pentru ca am vazut doar primele 2 episoade), luat dupa 4 zile de rugat ca acel 1 seed sa apara on-line. It’s called Vibrator. Made after a book.  Here are the best parts of it:





Iar acum ma familiarizez cu Rava ca vreau sa merg sambata sa-i vad in pub.  Si-mi iau si boots in picioare, God damn it!! :D

Mademoiselle K-Ça Me Vexe

Posted in Café de la Musique by daianara on June 15, 2009

To put it simply, je l’adore. Mai ales dupa versul asta: j’veux qu’on me dise:”t’es bonne katerine!”

De ascultat si Le cul entre deux chaises. Enjoy! :)

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Barcelona-Absolutes/ Black Light Burns-Cruel Melody

Posted in Café de la Musique by daianara on June 8, 2009

Funny thing this, din persoana care asculta cate un cantec promovat, pana la epuizarea oricarui sens al acestuia, am descoperit ca pot sa fiu si persoana care descopera formatii noi, scoate albume intregi, le filtreaza si ajunge sa asculte ce-i place cu adevarat, nu ce spun altii ca ar trebui sa ne placa. God, I never knew I was such a comformist.



What to say: indie rock band, cu vreo 3 albume la activ, Absolutes fiind ultimul. Bineinteles ca habar n-aveam ca existau. *ashamed Americani din Seattle with a very depressing feel to their music.  Asa ca sugerez Colors ca singura piesa diferita de tot ce se poate auzi pe album. It’s…happy, I dare say. :D

Black Light Burns-Cruel Melody

cruel melody

Acum asta…asta da. Lead singer e Wes Borland. Cred ca una dintre putinele persoane pe care le-am observat cand faceau parte din alta trupa (in cazul lui, era Limp Bizkit). Albumul e produs de Danny Lohner (Nine Inch Nails) asa ca a fost un must-listen. Din pacate, e destul de mono-ton. :P  Remarc insa I have a need. Are beat-ul asta de 20’s music si ma dau un vant dupa asa ceva. Oricum, will keep an eye out for them, they could be going places.

Saptamana asta, in schimb,  trec pe Pink Floyd si Frank Sinatra. Putina cultura nu strica. :)

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